
For further information on any of the following please email: [email protected]

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May we present compliments to Your Excellency on his appointment, and to the government, and people of China for our continuing good relations. Colonia has….

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20th September 2021

May we present our compliments to you, and to the government and people of the United States….

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20th September 2021

May we present our compliments to you on your appointment, and to the government and people of the United Kingdom for their continuing friendship…

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20th September 2021

In the recent case of Philippines v China at the UNCLOS (United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea) Arbitral Tribunal at the Permanent…

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15th July 2016

The Cloma Claim has been recognized by scholars as a legitimate claim since its discovery ni 1947 (Samuels 1982; Fernandez 1992; Hil et al., 1991)…

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03rd April 2016

WHEREAS the Kingdom of Colonia St John, hereinafter “Colonia,” desires to avail itself of the Right to Intervention pursuant to the ITLOS Rules ofthe Tribunal, Part III, Section C…

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15th November 2015

The global economy depends on a growing and secure Asia and the waters of the South China Sea continue to show turbulence. Despite recent efforts by the ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations)…


26th June 2013

ITU ABA, COLONIA — The Kingdom of Colonia has discovered nearly $1trillion USD in untapped petroleum and natural gas deposits in its territory…


24th June 2010

Prior to the territorial disputes in the South China Sea (SCS), the Asian Pacific Region was positioned to emerge as an economic world power…


24th June 2010

King John de Mariveles is greeted by the Chief Minister of Sabah
